But I’ve definitely felt my productivity slip since my 30-day trial ran out, so it’s worth the price for now. Since it’s the only app I’ve found that just asks me what I’m doing, rather than helping me *schedule* work or giving me data that will help me bill clients, I’ve ponied up for the subscription, even though I think it’s a bit pricy for what it does. It also records how much time I spent on each activity (I’ve learned to keep the descriptions broad, so I get XX hours on this job, YY hours on that job, and ZZ hours 'personal,' etc.), which is exactly what I need to determine how much desk time I’m really spending on work. I’ve downloaded at least a dozen time-tracker apps, and this is the only one I’ve found that does what I need: It asks me what I'm doing every XX minutes, which helps keep me on track as I work.